Digital Textbook Request

Students who may be eligible for digitized textbooks must first have demonstrated a need by meeting with the Coordinator of Academic Services for Special Needs Students.

Procedure for requesting/receiving digital textbooks:

1) Students must purchase a copy of the textbook (this is to comply with copyright - they need to own a copy of the book in order to be allowed access to a digital copy of the book)

2) Eligible students request that their textbook be made available in a digital format using an electronic form which is available from the ITS department.

3) The Accessibility Coordination Team will look to find digital files from the publisher. If a digital copy is not available, ITS and/or the Librarians will digitize the student's physical textbook (the student must have purchased a textbook).

4) The student must sign a waiver permitting digitization of their text and acknowledging that they must not share, distribute or otherwise violate copyright with their digital copy of the textbook and that they alone are liable for violation of copyright if it occurs.

5) The digital text file will reside on the library's server and will be accessed by the student through the library database with their library card and ID number.


* Any student requesting digitized textbooks MUST first demonstrate a documented need to the Coordinator of Academic Services for Special Needs Students before being eligible for digitized textbooks through this service.

* Students should expect to receive their digital texts within 2 weeks of the initial request. In some cases, it may take less time but students must be proactive in requesting their texts in advance.