Academic Student Support Services
Faculty Development Services
Contact the Coordinator: Hilda Speicher, Ph.D.
True to the Dominican tradition of sharing with others the fruits of one's contemplation, the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE) at Albertus Magnus College promotes a culture of teaching, learning and scholarship that is humanistically enlarging and practical in its application. The CTLE provides faculty development and academic support services that focus on increasing student success and retention, enhancing classroom learning through the use of high-impact practices, and providing opportunities for faculty and students to collaborate in the search for truth and academic excellence.
The services the CTLE offers are varied, from providing unique opportunities for junior and senior level students who are outstanding researches preparing for graduate school to students just starting out in college interested in perfecting their skills in reading, writing, numeracy, and critical thinking.
The philosophy of the CTLE is that learning is a lifelong endeavor. Continual practice and feedback are essential if we are to grow as readers, writers, and critical and creative thinkers. The best method of developing good study habits and improving academic skills is to know one's own strengths and learning style.
The staff at the CTLE strives to bring your strengths to light, and to provide opportunities for you to engage in co-curricular endeavors that will enable you to grow personally and professionally!